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Release Blitz & Review ~ Taking The Fall by W. Ferraro

Hunter Dennison has been an overachiever in all aspects of his life. He knows what he wants and goes after it, and he intends to follow suit in his love life with the young and beautiful Molly. His patience is at its last resolve as he waits for her to come of age, but finally the time has arrived, and he prepares to tell Molly how he feels.

What he doesn’t know is that someone else has set their own selfish agenda into motion, wreaking havoc on Hunter’s intentions and his confidence in Molly’s character.

Believing the vicious lies, Hunter veers off his planned path. He finds solace and comfort in another’s arms, never realizing that he leaves in his wake a devastated Molly.

However, fate cannot be fooled.

Now, twenty years later, they both have settled into their own lives in Clearwater Falls. Hunter intends to rectify the past by letting Molly know that she is the one he wants now, just as he had wanted then.

Can passion all these years in the making overcome the weight of regret that they both carry? Or will the price of their previous mistakes leave an insurmountable divide in their chance at forever?

WARNING: Recommended for adult readers (18+) only. Mature themes, strong language, and sexual content.

Beauty for beauty...and this was a beauty. W. Ferraro never disappoints me with her men or her books. What I especially love about her stories is that they are people you can relate to. They are not perfect. After all, life gets messy. I like messy at times. We all cannot meet a billionaire with the libido of an 18 year old with money to burn. Twenty years. Twenty years of anger. Twenty years of love lost. Twenty years of regret all come crashing back when Hunter finds his way back into Molly’s life. Molly is divorced, trying to raise her kids and run a restaurant that she lives upstairs from. Hunter is a single Dad trying to keep the peace with his ex even though she packed up and moved hours away with their daughter. Beyond the miscommunications and sabotage (I wanted to choke the crap out of Allison), there is a beautiful story of first love, second chance love and true love all wrapped up with the greatest love of all…family. This story shows you that the family bond is too strong to break, but a love as strong as Hunter and Molly’s will give it a run for its money. I have a feeling Clearwater Falls is going to give Hamden a run for its money. Bring on the rest of the Dennison’s!!

4 "Beauty" Stars!

**Dennison Series Buy Links**

Afraid to Fall (Dennison #1) Amazon | B&N | Smashwords

Taking the Fall (Dennison #2) Amazon | B&N

I live in New England with my young family. I’m a stay at home mom to two very active children. For all of you who are familiar with the stress of this job, I decided to complete an item on my bucket list and write a book. When I’m not writing, you will find me cooking, reading, shopping or being silly with the kids. In my opinion, one of life’s greatest pleasure is being able to get lost in a book.

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